Are you a law student studying Constitutional and Administrative law? The difference between Constitutional and Administrative law is that, Constitutional law is concerned with how the state derives its power either through the Constitution or through the laws and principles which have constitutional significance. Administrative law is about how the courts can review the legality of decision making of public bodies. Both are studied together as Public Law. If you are looking for books on this subject then good titles include Unlocking Constitutional and Administrative Law, Hilaire Barnett Constitutional and Administrative Law and Parpworth Constitutional and Administrative Law.
Students that are studying Constitutional and Administrative law will struggle with this subject because there is a lot of information that they need to deal with. So the way you can do well on this course is to have a good set of Constitutional and Administrative Law notes. Our book is the perfect text for a Constitutional and Administrative Law course for non-lawyers in the United Kingdom, for those wishing to specialise in Public Law.
This Law book provides a condensed introduction to Constitutional and Administrative Law, it discusses the Characteristics of a Constitution, the Nature and Sources of the UK Constitution, the Separation of Powers, the Rule of Law, Parliamentary sovereignty, the Crown and the Prerogative, powers and accountability of the executive, the decentralisation of public powers, the European Convention on Human Rights, the Human Rights Act 1998, namely, Articles 2, 3, 5 & 6 ECHR, the right to family life - Article 8 ECHR, Freedom of Expression – Article 10 ECHR, Judicial review: Preliminaries and procedure and the grounds of Judicial Review.
The book gives you the relevant information you need and arranges it in a certain way. It covers the fundamental idea, the authority, the facts, and the ratio of the case. The ratio was what the court used to make its judgement. The next thing the book explains how the case should be applied. This book is unique in the manner it approaches the topic. You can download our Constitutional and Administrative Law Pdf.
Show that you are familiar with the foundations of administrative and constitutional law.
Assess difficult simulated real-world situations and be able to spot legal issues in a number of constitutional and administrative law topics.
Utilize your understanding to write a formal assessment.
Give a convincing defence of your position and draw a conclusion on opposing viewpoints.
Use language with a legal or technical ring where applicable.
be in control of their education and function in an adaptable and flexible way.
Give an overview of the most important ideas and concepts in constitutional and administrative law to people who are studying law or desire to study law.
to provide students a way to think about administrative and constitutional law while taking exams.
Give them a thorough study guide to help them improve their legal writing test skills.
Encourage people to develop their writing and analytical skills.
Educate people on how to deal with constitutional and administrative law challenges.
Chapter 1 – Introduction to Constitutional Law
Chapter 2 – The Characteristics of a Constitution
Chapter 3 – Sources of the UK Constitution
Chapter 4 - The Separation of Powers
Chapter 5- The Rule of Law
Chapter 6 – Parliamentary sovereignty
Chapter 7 - The Crown and the Prerogative
Chapter 8 - Accountability of the executive
Chapter 9 – The Decentralisation of public powers
Chapter 10 - ECHR
Chapter 11 - The Human Rights Act 1998
Chapter 12 – Articles 2, 3, 5 & 6 ECHR
Chapter 13 - Family life - Article 8 ECHR
Chapter 14 – Expression – Article 10 ECHR
Chapter 15 – Judicial review
Chapter 16 – Grounds of Judicial Review